Over the past few days a couple of websites have reported that I am no longer producing mashups and I have retired from the scene.
This is not true, however this mis-information is largely my fault and I feel I should explain what has happened.
On various forums I recently posted a thread to my recent Jamelia v Cameo mashup. One of the lines read :
"My last mashup ("This should have read -
"My last mashup (for at least a few weeks due to holiday and other commitments)"Unfortunately, half way through typing my post I was interrupted by a visitor and genuinely forgot to finish the sentence. I clicked the 'publish thread' button and that was that.
I knew nothing of the repsonse to this because I have also had problems with my email account, my ISP and my web server.
A good close mashup friend phoned me to ask
"what the hell is all this last mashup about" - and I didn't have a bloody clue what he was talking about !
Add to this some recent changes to my facebook profile - which were meant as
'in' jokes for close friends and family members and the whole thing has blown up without me knowing much about it.
The simple fact is I am not retiring - however, due to some recent surgery I have to take some time out as my health is not at it's best. I am going to re-charge my batteries in America for a couple of weeks, record a 'secret' project whilst there and hopefully return refreshed and ready for some exciting months ahead. In view of this I won't be releasing any new material for some time.
I am sorry for any confusion, upset or puzzlement this caused. None of it was deliberate and it was not done as a stunt. Just a simple case of mis-communication - most of it caused by me, with no thanks to my useless ISP and email providers !!!!!
I hope this clears things up.